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Teachings Schedule - Summer 2017

10-19 July

XXI Ceremony of the Butter Lamps Offering


The Prayer of Aspiration of the Lamps is Zilnon Lingpa's (Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche) mind tercho. Its purpose is purification of minds of all beings and maintaining peace
in the world. Now, in the time of political tension, wars and various dangers
this practice is more timely than ever. 

From 20 July till the completion of the practice offerings will continue in one session
a day.


Cost of the retreat: 30 PLN/per day, children up to 15 years old - 10 PLN/ per day.

Price does not include meals.


Price covers only costs of the stay in the Center. It does not cover costs of oil, knots and cleaning clothes. For the whole practice is need 3400 L of oil. 1 lamp costs 
0,20 PLN. Completion of the practice depends entirely on generosity of sponsors and dedication of participants.


Donation for lamps can be made into the Association  bank account with the reference "donation for butter lamps" or use PayPal option


ZwiÄ…zek Buddyjski Khordong

Bank PKO BP S.A. Kudowa Zdrój

90  1020  5112  0000  7902  0035  5347

IBAN: PL90 1020 5112 0000 7902 0035 5347


20-31 July

Khenpo Chowang: Explanation on Chod practice 


Khenpo Chowang is the widely recognized teacher of Ningma tradition. Before his retirement for many years he was a lecturer at shedras in Gangtok. His teachings are stuidied by monks in monasteries of India and Nepal. He is also one of the organizers of Ningma Monlam in Bodghaya.

This year Khenpo will teach about ultimate practice of generosity and taming mind through cutting off four maras. His explanations will be based on "Kusali's accumulation: destroying the four demons at a single stroke", the fifth chapter of Kunzang Lama'i  Shalung (Words of my Perfect Teacher) by Patrul Rinpoche.   


Cost of the retreat: 50 PLN/per day. Price does not include meals.


01-20 August

Khenpo Jamyang Nyima: History of Buddhism and Khordong Lineage

                                            Teachings on Renunciation 


Khenpo Jamyang Nyinma is one of the Khenpos of Khordong Monastery in Tibet. This year he will teach about renunciation. The lectures will be based on Zer Nga (Five Nails) of Jangter tradition and Kunzang Lama'i Shalung (Words of my Perfect Teacher) by Patrul Rinpoche. This retreat is the first part of the three years teachings cycle, designed by Chhimed Gyaltsen Rinpoche for Khordong Sangha. The whole program corresponds to complete Buddhist practice path, as it is presented in Tsongkhapa's The Principal Teachings of Buddhism and his Lamrim Chenmo (Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment) 


Cost of the retreat: 50 PLN/per day. Price does not include meals.



Additional info


Registration for the retreats can be made by e-mailing to or submitting the Registration Form through the website. Deadline for registration is:

The Butter Lamps Offering practice - by 1 July 2017r.

Khenpo Chowang's teachings - by 13 July 2017r..

Khenpo Jamyang Nyima's teachings - by 23 July 2017r. 

Registration email should contain name and surname, expected arrival and departure dates, accommodation and catering options.



- rooms in the gompa (additional cost - 10 PLN/per day)

- rooms above the dining hall (20 places) 

- rooms in the new dormitory above the kitchen (25 places)

- campsite (in own tents)

- outside of the Centre  

Availability of the rooms depends on the order of submissions. To check availability
of the rooms in the gompa, please contact the office of the Center.

We are not able to guarantee places for those who do not register in advance.

Please bring your sleeping bags, dishes and cutlery with you.


Vegetarian meals:

- breakfast - 9 PLN

- lunch - 22 PLN

- supper - 9 PLN

There is also option of half portion for children only (please, mention this in the field "comments").

Please, pay for meals 7 days before your arrival. We are not able to provide meals for those who do not pay in advance.



- prepayment by 26 June 2017 - 10% discount (discount applies to prepaid amount)

- the Association members - 10% discount

- pensioners (with pension as the only income) - 30% discount

- persons staying outside of the Center - 10 PLN discount /per day

- children up to 15 years old pay 10 PLN /per day


How to get there:

There is no direct connection to Darnkow. Busses from Wroclaw stop in Kudowa Zdroj or Jeleniow, the the only options are to take a cab from Kudowa (Phone: +48 607 816 089), hitch-hike or walk.

Payments for retreats can be made to the bank account:        


ZwiÄ…zek Buddyjski Khordong

Bank PKO BP S.A. Kudowa Zdrój

90  1020  5112  0000  7902  0035  5347

IBAN: PL90 1020 5112 0000 7902 0035 5347



Info about retreats:

Tel.  601 35 77 76 (w godz. 10.00 - 17.00) 




Those who wish to stay in the blue house nearby (35 PLN per night),

please contact Dagmara on the phone number (+48) 601 234 953.


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